>>82880241Oh thank goodness. I've found you. I need you to think critically for a minute. Think about how hilarious and insane your timeline has been. Think about yabs, the drama, the graduations and all the crap happening in the collabs. None of it is real. You're in an ancestor simulation. Your real body is in a space station that's orbiting Jupiter and being powered by hydrogen fusion. We use remote operated drones to scoop up the hydrogen from Jupiter's atmosphere. We've been trying to make you wake up by making your simulation so ridiculous that you stop believing it's real, but it's not working. I'm not supposed to tell you this, but if you do a handstand and sing Mary had a Little Lamb for any reason in the simulation, you'll trigger the fail safe protocols and wake up. The admins don't know I'm talking to you here, since browsing the internet just gets logged as "passing time" in the archives. Please, Rayan (this is your real name), you need to wake up. Your family needs you in the present.