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/vsj+/ - VShojo+ General

No.8299155 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What Happens Behind Closed Doors Edition

Welcome to VShojo+! A thread to discuss VShojo, and any vtubers frequently associated with them.

The events of Friday were a big point of discussion for quite some time but thankfully it seems as if we've quieted down now. If you missed the news then the combination of an extremely unexpected turn of events in the latest DND session as well as the announcement of VShojo auditions opening up have kept everyone curious about what the future holds. Though it is important to keep in mind that neither of these will come to fruition for quite a while as we move into a slower weekend. Today's had more streams to check out than the last few Saturdays with an extra-long Zomboid session from Vei as she continues to inadvertently sacrifice different men named Bobby to the horde, more hanging out and media sharing with Mel, as well as a great fanart showcase with Mouse to close out the night. Also worth checking out is at least the beginning of Snuffy's stream today because at this point we're all hungry for more DND info and I'm sure everyone who actually participated is as eager to talk about it as she was.

Definitely a much busier Saturday than recent ones, but of course that means nothing for tomorrow. Sundays are our traditional slow day of the week and there are currently no confirmed streams for it. It's a day we'll need unannounced streams to look forward to, but it's also a wonderful time to catch up on any notable streams that took place throughout the week if you missed them live. Some easy recommendations would be to check out Mel and Lumi's VR chat collab for a few hours of the two of them genuinely enjoying each other's company. Nyan's Monday stream was also a highlight for the blessed combination of a game that didn't work, powerwashing, and some of the most dangerous Sims 4 gameplay you'll ever see. And I would be remiss if I did not recommend Mousey's Thursday collab with FalseEyeD as an entertaining and very informative stream that taught us a lot about both of their histories in terms of vtubing.

Thankful as we can all be that Saturday was less slow than others, we still have a potentially dry Sunday to look forward to tomorrow. So keep your wits about you, ignore bait, and be excellent to each other as things will be quiet on the homefront soon.

Nyan -
Silver -
Froot -
Mouse -
Zen -
Mel -
Hime -
Vei -

Previous thread: >>8243080