>>8302259I've got you.
Item # : 8302259
Object class : Euclid
Special containment procedures : it has been deemed impossible to contain SCP-8302259 directly, as such the following procedures will be followed. After every sighting or SCP-8302259 a viral gossip campaign will be made targeting all those who witnessed SCP-8302259, the gossip campaign will be manned by approximately 30 Class-D personel with the goal of preventing the "Gosling" effect from taking over those who witnessed SCP-8302259. The gossip campaign, henceforth known as "rrats", will be conducted in such a manner as to minimize the creations of parasocial relationships between the viewers and the entity.
Descriptipn : SCP-8302259 is a digital entity that takes the form of a [REDACTED]. At a minimum of once a week, SCP-8302259 will start a love stream on a popular streaming website, this stream cannot be prevented. Attempting to ban SCP-8302259 only results in new accounts being created, a previous attempt at temporarily shutting down the site which it was streaming on only lead it to appear on another site. Bar shutting down the internet as a whole there seems to be no practical way of preventing these streams from appearing.
SCP-8302259 will stream for 2-8 hours, usually streaming video game content or talking streams in which it displays a "GFE", a mechanism that infects those that watch it into becoming "Goslings" for it. These "Goslings" are largely harmless however they will obsess over SCP-8302259 to an unhealthy degree and eventually donating all their life savings and possessions to it. Because there's no larger threat it has been deemed a Euclid class threat and requires no more than an information campaign to prevent "Goslings" from being created.