>>83151719No? Have you ever held a job? At best, your compensation bonus gets docked and you go on a black list for the company (or the local industry, depending on oligopolies) if you quit with no notice. And a resignation letter is, in general, expected to have a two-week notice. A month tops, depending on the industry and country. As a data analyst and programmer, I've gone through this process a few times, and I know some people who just quit silently and got only what I mentioned.
But let me rework your terrible point: "Entertainers and athletes tend to have a fixed contract length and, if they quit early, there is usually a sanction". To which I would reply, yes, that happens to be the case in such industries, but the Nijisanji graduation queue is infamous because it's full of people who have already reached their contract's end, waiting to end on relatively good terms unlike Dokibird. They make them wait because they don't wanna have mass graduations every month.