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Le retard dela purple keemstar

No.83437896 View ViewReplyOriginalReport

>comfy times, no drama
>hear about this "FalseEyed" guy, supposed to be "vtuber journalist"
>watch one of his videos, dude seems like a total grifter
>always stirring up shit, making mountains out of molehills
>"exposing" vtubers for minor infractions, milking drama for views
>mfw he calls it "holding people accountable"
>literally just a clout chaser, feeding off negativity
>cringe, block him on everything, don't need that toxicity in my life

>few weeks later, browsing vtubing twitter
>see this HUGE thread about FalseEyed being a manipulative creep
>apparently he has "spies" in other vtubers' Discords
>collecting dirt, twisting words, creating fake drama
>this dude is actually unhinged
>turns out he's been threatening other vtubers, trying to control the narrative
>even blackmailing them with private info
>holy shit this is some next level creep shit
>feel bad for anyone who gets caught in his web

>he starts targeting MY FRIEND
>this sweet, wholesome vtuber who wouldn't hurt a fly
>FalseEyed accuses her of some bullshit, starts a smear campaign
>my blood starts BOILING
>this motherfucker is going DOWN
>time to unleash the full fury of my 100 dedicated followers
>we may be small, but we're LOUD
>spam his mentions with pepeLaughs and clown emojis
>raid his streams with copypastas and anti-FalseEyed propaganda
>join forces with other vtubers who hate his guts
>we become a digital army, fighting for justice and exposing his lies
>eventually, the truth comes out
>FalseEyed gets canceled harder than anyone before
>his reputation is in shambles, his career is over
>good riddance, you manipulative piece of shit

>mfw I went from hating him for being a grifter to hating him for being an actual villain
>guess some people are just destined to be hated