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No.83880648 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
A bunch of HolostarsEN were invited to a GTA RP server hosted by Beribug, a small indie chuuba. On day one, Axel Syrios has been accused of being a sexpest by the server host herself.
>I will say that Axel going around kissing...
>I think he kissed like two people yesterday
>that definitely made like
>that definitely made me a little sweat
>that made me like nervous a little bit
>I was very nervous then
>as long as it's good with Holostars management, it's good with me
>because I'm assuming Holostars management is like stricter than I could ever be
>but when I, when I saw
>I was on the verge of just shutting off the server when I saw Axel teaching Nemu how to strip
>I was watching in the background
>I was losing my fucking mind