>>83955001I mean Google is fucking awful and I am not even surprised its still that bad B2B.
>>83956457Someone can go through the ToS, make it "simple" but it still won't matter because Youtube will just do whatever they want. Want to fight it? Hope you have millions. Also cynical even to think the average person would simply not be able to understand.
I'm not sure the reason they gave this bitch, but guntubers have been dealing with this shit for years. People who know nothing about guns making insane content policy related to them. Completely arbitrary when the rules are enforced. 2 view? Go off king you can post yourself doing illegal things with firearms all day. 3 views you can probably post elaborate mechanics tutorials and/or basic maintenance that are "against the rules" now. Be a big name? Random video take downs, random suspensions, never monetized again. Be the biggest name in the game? Flagrantly disobey the rules and make jokes about it on video. Sometimes something will get taken down, but you have 10 million views per video so Youtube will answer your calls and cave 90% of the time.
Its frankly Stasi like in behavior and its been this way for a decade+ at this point.