>>84154162You know what's funny is that in the days of the NES and SNES they just made games that they thought would do good and both men and women played without issue.
"I'm a gamer grrrrrl" etc.
"You got beat by a GIRL!" etc.
Women just follow men everywhere. The most popular characters are a pair of plumbers that go down shit pipes and rescue a pretty girl from a turtle. I have never met a person who hates Princess Toadstool.
Now that it's common practice to do things *for boys* or *for girls* it's all flopping because girls are going to go check out optimus prime action figures and boys are going to strip those barbie dolls.
So in short I think the idea of gaming for specific audiences is flawed. We're going to use Bettel as our example here just because I can.
Imagine if Bettel was SUPER into Bionicles. Like he lived and breathed Bionicle lore and begged for Bionicle permissions like Mori begged for Persona permissions. He grew up with Bionicles and he has a backstory for every character in lore.
Now this pretend Bettel hasn't set apart his Bionicle lore dump for boys or girls. He is just having fun living his best Bionicle life. I think that's the key to success.
I mean hell. Girls dress up as anime characters from games boys are playing. I don't think girls know what to do when you ask them what they want to eat, so just have a good time.