>>8445544That would seem to be the case, only NijiEN got 6 of them through without anything like this AT ALL popping in, while Cover walked into several landmines all at once. They're fucking incompetent, there's no other explanation. We already knew that in many ways but this is just a tour-de-force of failure on their end.
Odds are EN1 only avoided these debacles because they scrubbed themselves clean / actively prodded things into rrat slaying like ame. You would think after that close call that it would be imperative that the EN2s would be ultra-clean right out the gate so it's actually shocking that they aren't. What's odd is you would think EN1 would be really fiercely insistent teaching incoming ENs to opsec hard, but apparently the advice was just discarded or EN2s had hubris and didn't fucking listen. Some of them like Sana you can tell actually did take it seriously and only got slipped up by a really careful / specific search (which now no longer even works) so I actually don't find it as bad that she did care and didn't want that to be a factor at all in how people judge her. Respectable, that's how this thing IS SUPPOSED to go.
Some of it is also like, like the talents can't be blamed for not being prophets knowing years down the line that those things would matter, thus people manage to find archived things dug up etc. Active shit though? Live and there? Wow, and I mean wow, that is a fail. Furthermore but the entire Mumei mask slips off if you look at shachi's stuff even a little - she don't give a shit about games/anime/history. I mean I wouldn't have expected history/RTS etc to be organic interests in a girl, but it's kind of bad to only pretend to like anime while playing an anime girl for an anime-loving audience.
The only recovery here would be for Mumei / Shachi to prove irrefutably they are not the same people.