>>84722545AC might not care about the EN branch any more, but they are still spending a non-zero amount of money keeping the branch nominally alive, even if only as a rump state. And every yen they spend trying to maintain the illusion of having an overseas presence is a yen they cannot spend to more directly increase shareholder value.
And they can try all they want to sweep EN's underperformance under the rug, but they cannot not publish the numbers, and sweeping shit under the rug is a tactic that will stop working once people you're trying to deceive notice how lumpy the rug is. The rug is currently shaped like the cancellation fees AC had to pay in order to deep-six the AX concert.
Every lie we tell incurs a debt to the truth, and every around we fuck incurs a debt to finding out. Sooner or later, those debts must be paid.