>>84866842delivering on this promise, also because I wanted a new batch of responses if possible for the idea itself, and to sum up a multiplicity of responses and further responses into the whole argument:
Initial post for those who don't want just the QRD is >>84857363Starting from the Idea of -You should try to support as many chuubas as possible; And doing so is easier on those who can express said desire for support- we can easily identify two things that come with said proposition:
1 - Males cannot, due to the society in which they live and how they assimilate their role as a self-sustained entity, express said wishes of support. They do so in order to avoid being hurt and misinterpreted by the outside, but they also sadly decrease their chances of obtaining said support.
2 - Females are the most vocal group of "support-desirers", as they live in quite the opposite standards of the males, and they have an easier time expressing outwardly this interest without any negative repercussion from the masses.
From this we identify that there is a bias made about how males end up getting pushed by society, and even similar males who aspire, to keep their mouths shut as to not break the standard and step out of the very well-defined boundaries that are given for them as male vtubers, and that there is nothing actually being done to solve this problem even from the female side due to how it also is seen as weird even for them as they are, unavoidably, also part of this society.
After that, we established some basic questions: How would you try to solve it? Is it off-putting if you see a male ranting about how little results they have got? Would you say you have contributed to this bias? Is it even understandable what I said?
and, from the group of varied responses we could understandably define that:
- Firstly, males can hardly push themselves to the outside with great aspirations and intense fervor as the norm is for this to not get ever mentioned, and the degrees of shame they experience either if they don't meet their expectations or even worse when their environment rejects them makes it the biggest deterrent for them to start to work on this.
- secondly, it will always be weird to watch someone cry about not having a good performance based on the effort they believe they are putting in or their own expectations once again. --But here we didn't go on about the possibility of having a proper one-time event where you explain why would you believe you deserve better as somebody who is trying their best and you wish to reaffirm the interest of your supporters to remain, be increased, or even more.-
- Thirdly, something that was starting to be developed was the notion of how proper explanations and displays of dreams could potentially help with said promotion of oneself when it comes to interests to gather proper support (Something that doesn't require that much development by itself if you have a very well shaped idea that you would like to share with the rest and which you would love to see come to fruition)
- Fourthly, we began to establish the necessity of said expression on any aspiring creator, and that was something coming mostly from the lines of "well, obtaining leverage is fundamental in the realization of what you work on" so we began to discuss the fundamentals of how accepting and integrating this into the formula of any vtuber could lead to potentially better results in the "career" of anyone who truly aspires to something and has hopes for said thing to come true. From things like how this could be a normal part of what is the "presentation" of most, to also how this is a very well used concept in things like debuts and such.
Now, after having summed up "everything" discussed, if you want to help in this debate please I encourage you to do so and see how this problem could be more properly tackled in the community, the desire for support that we all wish for but so few are truly capable of articulating in any useful manner.