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Vshojo Hate Thread

No.84937743 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I hate Vshojo and I'm tired of pretending otherwise. Most of their girls are boring when they even bother to stream, most of their events are mid and it all feels so fake. Shitty merch, shitty fanbase, not even the memes are interesting since they just rip off of stuff that already exists. This goes for all two branches by the way, not just EN. Vshojo EN is unwatchable and Vshojo Japan is massively overrated.

People claim Vshojo is a good introduction to vtubers or that they're the best in the business and it's only because they're the most profitable, not because of entertainment quality. So now the most boring shit that happens in Vshojo is treated like news.

Vshojo is also slowly becoming incompetent and it shows. By this time next year all the problems that are being noticed will just be exasperated and it won't matter because everyone from the CEO down to the individual viewers is totally complacent.