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No.85519441 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
So, y’all know how various people would randomly shittalk Froot because, “She’s a cheating whore, lawl”?

She just posted a massive Google doc, with receipts. (screencaps from FB messages with her ex)
>pic related

TLDR: He was a stereotypical abusive faggot who deserved to get NTR-ed.

SMALL snippet, first example.

>19 year old girlfriend coming to visit him
>She starts messaging him that she got molested by a guy at the bus station
>Molester has chased her to the women’s bathroom
>Replies back with :<
>Months later say, “I went ABOVE AND BEYOND being supportive when you had a hard time.”

So yeah, glad the subject is closed and various JT’s can fuck off this soapbox already.