On September 30th, Ame will retire. We'll still have streams until then, though. Collabs, endurance streams, two member's streams, and the charity stream.
I'll still do my best to keep up and make new threads. I've still got my work days (which is when the incredibly based Every thread 'til real anon fills in), and I'm not always awake, but I'll do what I can.
I'm going to, understandably, have a bit of trouble sleeping tonight though, so I'll still be up for a while. The same rules as always.
After the 30th, after all is said and done, I think I'll be done with /vt/. I understand if you guys are too. Maybe you'll stick around, watch someone else.
We've one last road ahead of us, and let's see it through to the end, my fellow gators.
Play Chiku Taku:
https://watsonamelia.itch.io/chikutakuStream Chiku Taku:
https://youtu.be/fYVweqOW31w Ame links and info: