Here is what's going on in current streams friends.
Fauna is here with her outstandingly soothing voice as she takes us on a journey through the depressing adventure of SPORE. At least we'll get to see how creative Nature can get when she creates various creatures and maybe get some exceptionally cute giggles from her.
While Mori has confirmed that the training wheel are shooting off and we're going to reach THE BREAKING POINT. Even though the stream was supposed to start 60 minutes ago, it's fine because now we get to see how Scout and Tiara will make everyone in /hlgg/ horny today and who they'll assault for supplies and what not.
While Fubuki managed to finish he zatsudan JUST in time so she can get her Genocide Speedrun started. Go Fubuki Go! Kill the skeleton that Flare loves so much!
While Astel's running around the landscape with Bow in hand because he can't get his Wingman and he actually wants to rank up. He's not going to rest until he reaches Diamond with his third account so pray that he keeps getting good teammates. Current Rank Plat III
>Today's song releasesMaiR, AZKi, Inui, Ichiya and many others sang Summer Wing 1, 2, Jump! today and absolutely killed it. The MV shows them off in super cute bikinis too so hurry up and give it a stream or two when you have the chance, it's a seriously amazing cover.