>>85736575>where's the insane, unique, and groundbreaking shit?>seriously where the fuck do I have to go to find itby definition these things are rare.
it's not like you can have one streamer who shakes the fucking foundation of the industry every month, that's not going to happen. that person will never exist.
when someone brings something truly unique to the table, it will be unique for all of a month or two before a thousand copycats appear and then it's not unique anymore it's mundane.
and when someone has a truly groundbreaking idea, they probably wont have another one maybe ever again. sure in some rare cases one person or group will manage to do it multiple times but that's rare upon rare to the point where such cases have gotten the person in question immortalized in the history books and they're a household name centuries later. like Tesla and Ford.
this is how it has always been in, every industry.
it could be years before some new innovation or idea hits on that level in the vtuber sphere.
but hey, feel free to bring ideas to the table and post about them in /asp/ hopefully someone there will steal your idea and make that unique groundbreaking content you're waiting for.