>Superchat: "Sana, how are stars made?"
>Sana: "Well, stars come from nebulae, which are massive clouds rich in hydrogen that come together by gravity. When hydrogen gets dense enough, it forms a mass, starting at gas giants like Jupiter, then what are called 'brown dwarves,' which are massive enough to make hydrogen fuse into... heavier forms of hydrogen. Stars are when the hydrogen fuses into helium, and if there's enough helium, that'll fuse, and so on until you get to iron, which cannot fuse like hydrogen, but once the star that formed the iron dies, the whole star collapses into the core and forces the iron to fuse and create a neutron star, which is where the element heavier than iron come from. Isn't that fascinating?"
>SC: "Cool, but where do the nebulas come from?"
>S: "Well... sometimes, I..."
>Sana blushes and ducks under the video frame