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This is why Doki is so important to Western Vtubing

No.86060355 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Granted, these irl male collab streams happen a lot on twitch already, but chuubas on Youtube have no real champion to rally behind and help them break free from long obsolete expectations and traditions of GFE and male interaction celibacy. Dokibird has the admiration and goodwill of the masses, the average vtuber fan, the silent majority, to lift up the entire genre. What she does and will do allows everyone, but especially the thousands of smaller female chuubas, to slip from the shackles of a few mentally ill screechers holding them and their creative desires hostage. She may not be ready to show her face and do irl streams herself yet, but she's making huge steps towards breaking down the barriers between general streaming and vtubing. Dragoons I kneel to your oshi.