>>877787Item one, Urban Legends are self-evidently not true, else there would be a German lady in strange garb living in gaps transporting trains and lonely young men into a shadow realm to be feasted upon.
Item two, マイナスイオン (Minus Ion) is a Korean-tier myths to stop the selling of Air Conditioners, humidifiers, wrist watches, and public baths, all good markings of civilisation and the well functioning of a human being
Item three, Pseudo-Science, is self-evident as anything truthy would not be classified as Pseudo-Science, though of course conventional Science too is full of self-defying hypocritical lies such as "race is only skin-deep" and "God does not exist"
Item four, Dowsing, does not work unless you're a rat girl or Doraemon
Item five, Crucifixion of Christ is a self-evident spook, a punishment from God to decadent hedonistic Romans and anyone aping their fallen barbarism
Item six, Comfort Women is of course true, as there is no need for an occupying Power to forcefully recruit women to act as prostitutes, for nearly all women would rather sell their own body in hard and lean times without their husbands, fathers, and brothers to safeguard them.
Item seven, Child Pornography, is self evident because there is no such thing as distinction between normal pornography and those depicting a "child". See Australia's Australian Classification Board decision in 2010-01-05 on "Small Breast Ban for Pseudo-Pedophilia"
Item eight, Holocaust, self-evident
Item nine, Nanking Massacre, self-evident
Item ten, Flat Earth, self-evident unless your Pekora
May God grant us wisdom in our temporary life in this marred world, Amen.