>>86743619giving a job normal regular-ass working hours that billions of people normally do, makes her cream of the crop somehow? it shouldn't work like that. but obviously for Holos the question is more like 'why put in the extra effort if I can get away with """working""" 10 hours a week and still make six figs' and evidently if given the choice of much-lighter workload for probably not a lot less money, they take the easy road.
also if you think about it since vtubing is not a professional career type job at all the average girl doing this does not have the background working actual career positions to come from to expect that 40 hours a week is not just normal but should be pretty easy to do if you literally do not have to dress up and commute at all. that saves like 15-20 hours a week right there and at least some of these girls know that, so don't think of streaming as remotely that bad or painful to do.
girls who never really tried hard at education and never were tested with real-world work who would have just relied on marrying a successful dude to scrape by? yeah I can see those ones bitching that 10 hours a week is absolute torture and wow what a slog it is to have to commute to tokyo once or twice a month for meetings/training.