>>87059881So far we know that Fauna and Mumei are fighting over her Radioshack incident involving the discombobulated original Kronii and the reassembled Kronii. The main points of contention is that are Mumei cannot find it to forgive Fauna for the incident or that her build was that imperative for a problem SHE made by degloving in front of Mumei when Kronii was already at the 'shack, but proceeded to look up a guide on her phone to assemble a bigger, better Kronii and Mumei understandably saw that and found the apology Kronii disgenuine. When recounted and aftermath to Gura Ame of course joined into the conflict on the side of Mumei, as Fauna had used a guide to build the Kronii which essentially was just following instructions and parts from Radioshack, there is no creativity involved though Radioshack has potential for infinite creativity. Since Ame is la creatividad obviously she would sign with Mumei, but not that she was upset over the Kronii or wanted as genuine apology Kronii, but rather that she thought that Fauna took the easy way out by using a guide. Gura on the other hand had signed with Fauna despite not being there to witness the events or knowing that Fauna was the cause of the finger incident when she degloved in front of Mumei even though Kronii was literally in line at the 'shack. I think that Mori "plays controllers with an FPS" is too dumb to know her way around a Radioshack so she'd get lost in the isles if she even told a story so obviously she's not going to get involved. That's more or less the current situation, it will be interesting to see how this will develop when the Kronii begins to acknowledge its origins.