>>87090942Not bad over all. There's plenty I'd shuffle but not with differences big enough to argue over. Here are my nitpicks.
Matsuri, Ao, Fauna, Laplus, Raden, Kaela, and Bijou are the biggest mismatches. Bijou and Fauna are good. Kaela is decent at worst. Matsuri is decent but at this point has burned too many bridges to be good. My apologies to Ao-kun but she's just decent. Raden is very good. Laplus is meh.
Speaking to a more general issue, 'good' and 'decent' seem like they mean different things depending on whether you are talking about a JP or EN/ID talent. Eg, if I were talking about picks like Chloe Kanata or Iroha I wouldn't put them above picks like Gigi or Mumei, and if they are decent, then a lot of other picks in good are decent too, or vice versa.