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No.871084 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
ITT we will attempt to fabricate an all-encompassing narrative of the Vtuber-verse.
As it stands now, all narratives, whether true or false, either are limited to one Vtuber, or the interaction of two of them. In rare cases, it centers around the acts of a single company. They all attempt to resemble truth, at least, in various degrees, and are thus somewhat believable.
This is 2021, though. Truth is not that important anymore. Truth stands in the way of complete creative freedom. Fiction and reality are not separated as easily anymore, and it has turned easier to believe whatever without the necessity of actual proof of said belief. However, I seek to go one step further: ITT, I want to outright invent a story as in a roleplay, find inexistent proofs to our theories and thus try to find cohesion in the multitude of Vtubers that so abound nowadays, in other words: to knowingly hail lies as truth.
Here is the basic plot: All of the Vtubers known to man, and all to be known, are aware of a truth that we ignore, and for some reason they can't/won't tell us. We don’t know the content of that truth.
What you can do to advance the plot:
-Deepen the lore: Why do we ignore this truth? How do they know it?, how did all of this start?, etc. Anything goes: explain the origin of some meme, or the truth behind some roommate, or whatever. It can, and should, be presented as a theory, and be discussed between other anons until it is agreed to as “definitive”.
-Introduce a character, a.k.a. an existent Vtuber (herein referred to as "characters") of your preference, and his role, no matter how small. Link it with previous or future characters of the story. Again, don’t assume to be right on your assumptions.
-Claim to have found some proof, or hint, and show it.
>inbf Holo ALT rip-off
I didn’t know about that when the idea occurred to me. Fuck them, we can create our own lore.