My experience mainly comes from Biboo's stream, but I switched around a lot to see what the others were doing. My analysis is as follows: Everyone is shouting over each other in a high-pitched voice, most players seem to have as much knowledge of the game as if they had watched a 10-minute tutorial video about it, a third of the deaths are caused by friendly fire, and there are no real consequences for dying, like a respawn cooldown. The lack of team synergy is visible. Of course, it's always entertaining to see them scream and run away from zombies, but most of the time the players were rushing at the zombies in a kamikaze fashion with no caution, since there's no penalty like zenloss or respawn cooldown. The situational comedy somewhat improved the experience for me, but Ina's absence diminished it by just as much. So far, I think the event is a 7.5/10.