>>87687148Incoming unprompted blogpost.
Some people, either through coincidence of their birth or their experiences though their lives, develop a disconnection from their environment. The state of their environment doesn't affect their mentality so they're able to live in trash as easily as a normal person would live in a clean, safe environment. As much as it might bother you, to an individual like this there is no realistic difference aside from superficial or aesthetic which is easily ignored. A disgusting sight is meaningless. A repulsive smell is meaningless.
Paradoxically sometimes people like this are only like this when it comes to their own messes. Messes that other people make still bother them. It's assumed they they feel this way because they can trace the origin of their own filth back to themselves and it's thus considered known or safe.
Hoarders develop this tolerance to filth over time simply as a consequence of living with their compulsions. I don't think Filian is a hoarder. I just think she has developed this tolerance because she's spent too long living by herself. She doesn't feel the urge to clean because there's nobody she cares about visiting her. I think that if she were to ever invite friends over to visit her she would put effort into cleaning, but it would be monumentally difficult for her because just like anything else cleaning is something you get better at with practice. Sometimes you need the right tool, or chemical, and that requires knowledge, experience, or foresight. Without some guidance to ease that work it becomes harder than it should be, and this can discourage someone from continuing.
tl;dr: She doesn't have enough IRL friends or family to support her. We support her, but we're not there and that's an important distinction.