>>87787862 the cat in the OP is finishing up the demo for metaphor refantazio Anonymous
Quoted By:
Listening to Takako's haunted house stories is entertaining
Anonymous tsundere otaku maid's playing more Until Dawn!
Quoted By:
>>87788670 Dogs until dawn!
Quoted By:
Does Koragi want to DM me?
Quoted By:
If koragi wanted to perform for RES as nekoragi she would DM him, and not ban him right?
Quoted By:
>page 7 in 1 minute grim
>>87788670 >Desu chatter appears again I swear to god, I hope a piano falls on this viewer
Koragi you need to learn to use your words to say what you want, and not ban people who can't understand what you're asking for.
Quoted By:
>>87789978 No need to get so upset decchu.
Quoted By:
Koragi uwo is already your viewer oshi. You're not allowed two viewer-oshis. Don't be greedy.
Quoted By:
Koragi putting on a cat costume doesn't magically transfer what I feel for my cat to you. That's not how it works. You had to have completed the watching me watching you quest to get the RES undying broken love perk.
Quoted By: ikemen /tg/ elf's doing warhammer mini stuff tonight
Quoted By:
>>87789978 what's wrong nanodesu
Quoted By:
>>87789978 You get used to it desu
Quoted By:
I bet nekoragi gets carded at all the real cat clubs because her barker.
Quoted By:
>>87789978 why are you so mean desu...
Quoted By:
>>87789978 Desu chatta? Why do you hate desu chatta so much desuwa? What did desu chatta do oh so wrong desuwa?
Anonymous cat-eared weather witch is playing a horror game called Slide in the Woods!
Quoted By: cool chuuni just got done with metaphor: refantazio's first dungeon!
RES the book of granules 2077 !!01myR5Jqkx9
RES the book of granules 2077 !!01myR5Jqkx9 Sun 20 Oct 2024 00:32:50 No. 87793419 Report Now that the dust has settled what were your thoughts on the last eira stream?
>>87793419 She's pregnant out of 10
Anonymous artsy woof elf's finishing up her NG+ run of AC6 and maybe starting luigi's mansion tonight
RES the book of granules 2077 !!01myR5Jqkx9
RES the book of granules 2077 !!01myR5Jqkx9 Sun 20 Oct 2024 00:35:01 No. 87793607 Report Quoted By:
>>87793501 That's nice. Wouldn't want her to end up like pekora all alone, and childless.
Quoted By: cozy sea floor slug's maybe playing The Nightmare Before Christmas: Oogie's Revenge for the PS2!
Quoted By: frog imouto's doing castlevania 1 deathless attempts
Quoted By: history hag's cooking on-stream!
Quoted By: campfire dog's doing claire route stuff in RE2
RES the book of granules 2077 !!01myR5Jqkx9
RES the book of granules 2077 !!01myR5Jqkx9 Sun 20 Oct 2024 00:46:44 No. 87794557 Report Quoted By:
Since vtubers casually hang out together, and I'm hated in some phone circles I'm not sure I can comfortably watch any of these links due to the Kevin bacon rule.
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RES the book of granules 2077 !!01myR5Jqkx9 Sun 20 Oct 2024 00:51:38 No. 87794949 Report Quoted By:
When I'm formally invited to watch your vtuber after she unbans me I'll consider tuning in.
>>87793550 She's not doing ng++?
Quoted By: aussie homunculus raccoon's in a collab with the rest of the vershion girls!
Quoted By: bloom center CX is doing an episode on assorted NES/Famicom games
Quoted By: mecha mechanic jellyfish is oh god what the fuck is happening in fuga 2
Quoted By:
>>87795478 probably, she might want to start it on another stream so that she has more time to get into it
RES the book of granules 2077 !!01myR5Jqkx9
RES the book of granules 2077 !!01myR5Jqkx9 Sun 20 Oct 2024 01:31:11 No. 87797963 Report Got any RES friendly vtubers?
Quoted By:
>>87793550 >>87795478 correction, she's gonna start luigi's mansion if she doesn't beat the current level's boss in a reasonable time
Quoted By:
>>87789978 holy newfag, desu
RES the book of granules 2077 !!01myR5Jqkx9
RES the book of granules 2077 !!01myR5Jqkx9 Sun 20 Oct 2024 01:50:13 No. 87799334 Report Quoted By:
Slow hours, so let's have a survey. Watch any good vtuber streams lately? What game were they playing? Do you show up for the game, or were you there for the vtuber? How were the advertisements? Do you hang out with vtubers off stream?
Good evening, I love Charlotte!
>>87797963 Here ya go. Make sure to make her your new oshi and be an active member of her community.
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RES the book of granules 2077 !!01myR5Jqkx9 Sun 20 Oct 2024 01:55:08 No. 87799697 Report Quoted By:
>>87799513 I've already watched this stream. Why do you want to ship me with Gigi?
RES the book of granules 2077 !!01myR5Jqkx9
RES the book of granules 2077 !!01myR5Jqkx9 Sun 20 Oct 2024 01:57:14 No. 87799835 Report Quoted By:
How can I know that Gigi won't just use me to get a Collab with eggch, and then tell me to never watch her ever again?
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RES the book of granules 2077 !!01myR5Jqkx9 Sun 20 Oct 2024 02:00:22 No. 87800058 Report Quoted By:
>>87799513 Most the time posts like this are never made in sincerity, and are only done as a means to try to anti a vtuber by sending schizophrenic energy to them.
Anonymous genki tomboy tiger's trying out Dragunov in Tekken 8!
RES the book of granules 2077 !!01myR5Jqkx9
RES the book of granules 2077 !!01myR5Jqkx9 Sun 20 Oct 2024 02:15:15 No. 87801164 Report Quoted By:
Sometimes I wonder how things would have been different if I had just applied for mod like she wanted.
Quoted By: space animator elf's streaming more SH2 with her fren
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RES the book of granules 2077 !!01myR5Jqkx9 Sun 20 Oct 2024 02:21:49 No. 87801642 Report Quoted By:
>>87801157 I'll watch this. Shimada has always been good to me. Shimada is greeting her chatters. She was telling a story about how her spirit was broken by the road in southern California.
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RES the book of granules 2077 !!01myR5Jqkx9 Sun 20 Oct 2024 02:29:14 No. 87802169 Report Quoted By:
>>87801157 Shimada has jazz playing, and decorated her dojo with Christmas festive decor, and warm japanese knee boxes.
Right now shimada is talking about gen z. Poor girl hasn't realized that gen z is getting lumped in with the old folks nowadays as many are getting closer to their 30s.
It's cute that shimada still thinks gen z is the rebellious youth though.
Quoted By:
>>87787950 oh, she finished it up
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RES the book of granules 2077 !!01myR5Jqkx9 Sun 20 Oct 2024 02:35:34 No. 87802587 Report Quoted By:
>>87801157 Shimada is saying she's struggling with her algorithm. She's having trouble cracking the algorithm to get less gay naked bara diaper sex in her feed.
Meanwhile I'm here trying to get less of the Sistine chapel, and rocket engineering shorts in my feed. Weird how the web works.
Shimada boasted too much about how her algorithm was cooked, and now she's suffering from her lack of hubris.
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RES the book of granules 2077 !!01myR5Jqkx9 Sun 20 Oct 2024 02:39:19 No. 87802849 Report Quoted By:
The melinial in shimada? Me.
RES the book of granules 2077 !!01myR5Jqkx9
RES the book of granules 2077 !!01myR5Jqkx9 Sun 20 Oct 2024 02:42:36 No. 87803063 Report Quoted By:
>shimada still has that uber message That is the cutest. Shimada is such a sentimental type.
RES the book of granules 2077 !!01myR5Jqkx9
RES the book of granules 2077 !!01myR5Jqkx9 Sun 20 Oct 2024 02:50:47 No. 87803579 Report Quoted By:
Shimada role played that she was a good golf player, and became a great golf player.
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RES the book of granules 2077 !!01myR5Jqkx9 Sun 20 Oct 2024 02:57:15 No. 87803937 Report Quoted By:
>shimada writes up hey alrights Cute!
RES the book of granules 2077 !!01myR5Jqkx9
RES the book of granules 2077 !!01myR5Jqkx9 Sun 20 Oct 2024 03:03:56 No. 87804367 Report Quoted By:
Shimada is bringing out the white board. I love when shimada gets educational.
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RES the book of granules 2077 !!01myR5Jqkx9 Sun 20 Oct 2024 03:08:53 No. 87804737 Report Quoted By:
Shimada isn't beating the allegations that it's not her fault her algorithm is full of bara diaper naked gay furry porn. Shimada you cooked your poison.
I want to watch koragi but I'm going to play RE2 soon and want to see it first for myself :[
RES the book of granules 2077 !!01myR5Jqkx9
RES the book of granules 2077 !!01myR5Jqkx9 Sun 20 Oct 2024 03:16:36 No. 87805216 Report Quoted By:
>shimada cosplayed a pimp during the kat Williams era. Too funny.
>>87805072 is mako okay...
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RES the book of granules 2077 !!01myR5Jqkx9 Sun 20 Oct 2024 03:21:58 No. 87805527 Report Quoted By:
I feel much better. Thank you shimada. Made my night. Think I'll close out, and get back to dooming, or game, or something. Thank you shimada. Your streams are always a pleasure. I forgot all about whatever was bringing me down, but it's probably time to get off the copium. You are too good.
Rebel has made 27 out of the 68 replies to this thread and that's a lowball. So he's almost 40% of this thread.
Quoted By:
>>87806837 At least it's not linkspam.
Quoted By: on the run magical girl's finishing up mouthwashing before playing FAITH episode 3!
Anonymous corpse is doing a late night dragon quest 7 stream
Quoted By:
>>87806837 Nowadays I can't always tell if a (You) I get is genuine or if it's just from him. He samefags too so multiple (You)s might even be from him
RES the book of granules 2077 !!01myR5Jqkx9
RES the book of granules 2077 !!01myR5Jqkx9 Sun 20 Oct 2024 04:32:46 No. 87809904 Report Quoted By:
Shimada is still live!
RES the book of granules 2077 !!01myR5Jqkx9
RES the book of granules 2077 !!01myR5Jqkx9 Sun 20 Oct 2024 04:34:30 No. 87810000 Report Quoted By:
What's a vtuber mating call sound like?
Ever is the cutest woman in the world
RES the book of granules 2077 !!01myR5Jqkx9
RES the book of granules 2077 !!01myR5Jqkx9 Sun 20 Oct 2024 04:42:45 No. 87810493 Report Quoted By:
>>87810417 Twitter remains top platform.
>>87810251 i haven't been able to watch her recently, so i'm glad i'm able to get images of her from you anon
please keep posting her
>>87811237 Something important that happened is that she opened her discord. Check her twitch profile if you want in.
Quoted By:
>>87812942 ah, thanks for the heads-up
>>87807663 She would wear it like on the right to keep the coffin warm!
Quoted By:
>>87816527 would that work without body heat?
>>87807663 I miss JC and Ray0 actively chatting
>>87787862 Man I should make a cake with a chuuba on it that would be a neat bday gif
Quoted By: STR-maxxing ninja's casually S-ranking missions in AC6
RES the book of granules 2077 !!01myR5Jqkx9
RES the book of granules 2077 !!01myR5Jqkx9 Sun 20 Oct 2024 11:04:58 No. 87822637 Report Quoted By:
>>87805286 She's suffering from RES withdrawel after banning RES, and needs to unban RES.
Quoted By:
>>87799491 good evening charlotte viewer
Quoted By:
Loli bunny is playing pizza tower Anonymous
I can't believe Rusty was the womb poster this whole time
>>87825422 Get out tourist
Quoted By:
>>87825468 Only one I know is Claudia
>>87825468 >Driving away newfags You'll never have an active thread like this
Quoted By:
>>87825532 Newfags need to respect oldfags by lurking and putting in reps rather than literally whoing a thread darling
>>87825532 If its male I have no interest
>>87825276 What womb post are you talking about
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RES the book of granules 2077 !!01myR5Jqkx9 Sun 20 Oct 2024 13:13:36 No. 87826678 Report Quoted By:
>>87825276 >sex pest who gets special treatment from /lig/ vtubers abuses his privilege Say it ain't so.
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RES the book of granules 2077 !!01myR5Jqkx9 Sun 20 Oct 2024 13:16:54 No. 87826737 Report Quoted By:
>>87825763 It's a 0view male who commissioned art of his model having sex with bat. Old regime. Pushed out of /wvt/ and into /trash/ which is now ruled by /vshojo/ mostly so sort of irrelevant.
There was a time rusty was the threads bull though. That time has passed thankfully. Too many tantrums.
>>87825891 The one that was harassing Toma
RES the book of granules 2077 !!01myR5Jqkx9
RES the book of granules 2077 !!01myR5Jqkx9 Sun 20 Oct 2024 13:28:06 No. 87827005 Report >>87826927 >Toma is the one core krimbocord who is nice to RES when he chats. Checks out. Rusty made it very clear he didn't like RES, and was the only poster special enough to post erotic fan fiction of vfubers, and then quit writing when he drove everyone else out.
Jannies this shit is unbearable
RES the book of granules 2077 !!01myR5Jqkx9
RES the book of granules 2077 !!01myR5Jqkx9 Sun 20 Oct 2024 13:30:10 No. 87827067 Report Quoted By:
Since we're in a mood to remember the old regime the tobascowolf twitlonger cancelling bat has been scraped clean off the Internet.
RES the book of granules 2077 !!01myR5Jqkx9
RES the book of granules 2077 !!01myR5Jqkx9 Sun 20 Oct 2024 13:34:23 No. 87827178 Report Quoted By:
75493202>Tabascowolf was right. I just read the twitlonger, the Tl'DR of it is>Some dude who followed the Bat early on in her career >Happened to be a liberal and also autistic got offended by Bat's edgy nature and started conflicting with her in chat to the point of getting timed out constantly. >Bad's edgy right-leaning 4chan community quickly grows to despise him >This leads to him later finding out Bat made a VIP channel on her discord for cool and trusted members, and that he wasn't invited >Has a melty >Get's banned from discord but not her twitch >Has even greater melties in her chat >Gets banned from her twitch >Makes alt accounts to harass Bat about being banned in her DMs, get's blocked >Seeks out various other vtubers she's friends with to try and seek refuge with >They find out about his history, so they ban him >Tries to report Eros's discord for "TOS-violating memes", this fails and he get's himself banned from her community >Makes weird sexual jokes about another of Bat's vtuber friends (Shirara, who's since graduated) while in her chat, gets banned and now has a reputation of sexual harasser ontop of everything else >Becomes a mod for Bimten, Bimten finds out about his history and bans him. >Creates alt account to stalk Bimten and demand to know why he was banned, get's blocked. >Vows to never watch vtubers again >Writes twitlonger where he seems to think he did absolutely nothing wrong >Claims to want to sue everyone involved for abuse This is why autistic men should be banned from the internet. For anyone who has memory holed the balad of bat, and wolf.
Quoted By:
>>87827055 Meh just treat it like you treat a Twitter bot
Name Krimbocords sins then
RES the book of granules 2077 !!01myR5Jqkx9
RES the book of granules 2077 !!01myR5Jqkx9 Sun 20 Oct 2024 13:49:43 No. 87827589 Report >>87827528 They're old regime. Complaining about slain kings is a waste of time.
>>87827589 Basically you don't know
RES the book of granules 2077 !!01myR5Jqkx9
RES the book of granules 2077 !!01myR5Jqkx9 Sun 20 Oct 2024 13:58:32 No. 87827855 Report Quoted By:
>>87827806 A shadow government afraid to leave the shadows is not a government at all.
Ah, it's good to see this thread is still schizo containment. Which is why I don't post here anymore
>>87826927 I have never harassed Toma, she is a dear friend. We have collabed recently, and are doing so again next week.
>>87827005 It's also nice to see Rebel is still unmedicated or euthanized. I still write, by the way. I just don't post it here, because why the fuck would I
>>87828583 You enjoy your Rebel Earth Sky general, bye!
Quoted By:
>>87828634 See later when you egosa
Oh, btw, I didn't comm the Bat art, that was D4n, who I have since blocked for being a creepy weirdo and stalking my posts
Quoted By:
>>87828747 you're still a creepy sexpest rusty
Anonymous fluffy woolly mammoth's doing some painting on-stream!
RES the book of granules 2077 !!01myR5Jqkx9
RES the book of granules 2077 !!01myR5Jqkx9 Sun 20 Oct 2024 15:14:57 No. 87829912 Report Quoted By:
By the way I don't have a problem with vtubers going to visit Japan. I have a problem with people giving vtubers money as "fans" and expecting vtubers to use the money they earned to take a trip to Japan like the dog who is also fat, but also a vtuber who said she had a uncomfortable time in Japan since she had to be quiet since she couldn't speak the language. I see this all the time with electronics investors tell vtubers to buy a new microphone after tipping them. That's their money you crab. That money belongs to the vtuber after you give it to them. No strings attached.
Quoted By:
>>87829871 Finally, someone to watch
>>87829871 Huh, she has a Pekora laugh too. I wonder if it's natural
Quoted By:
>>87830498 she's able to do that voice pretty consistently, it'd be impressive if it wasn't natural
>new anti spam rules rin and rebel will have to get lives at last
>>87831577 It only matters if they do something worthy of a ban because then they can't ban evade as easily. Otherwise they'll just keep on spamming the thread with their schizo nonsense. I don't think it's going to make a difference in thread quality
Quoted By:
>>87831707 rebel gets banned every so often and rin gets banned on sight basically, plus a bigger incentive to report
RES the book of granules 2077 !!01myR5Jqkx9
RES the book of granules 2077 !!01myR5Jqkx9 Sun 20 Oct 2024 16:26:57 No. 87832820 Report Quoted By:
Why does an anon want to ship me with Gigi the orange gremlin of hololive?
Quoted By:
>>87789978 i miss seeing my viewer broshi the mighty king res in chats. he always posted the funniest and most interesting messages
Quoted By:
>page 3 in 1 minute grim
Anonymous military aviation shark's chatting with her viewers today
Quoted By:
australian shark...
Quoted By:
>>87833431 zatsu over, she's finishing up some metro exodus stuff and then moving to playing voices of the void
Quoted By:
>>87831577 It's not going to stop spam, much less the schizo bullshit from those two.
Quoted By: dutch magical girl's grabbing more shines in Super Mario Sunshine!
Anonymous farming sim enjoyer marionette's playing more Harvest Island
Quoted By:
>>87834739 i think she's been doing vtubestudio asset costumes every stream
Quoted By:
I miss my oshi like you couldn’t believe… She’s so cute… But she’s never gonna be my (girl)friend, no matter how hard I try, it’s actually so over… Why do vtubers exist if you can’t marry them… I never understood these waifu from anime havers before… It was like a mental illness, or pretending… But my oshi is real, she will just refuse me no matter what I do because there is a big power imbalance, but she really exists and she could do it in theory…
Quoted By:
>>87828446 So who makes the posts I wonder
Anonymous confused chicken's playing mario party jamboree!
Quoted By:
>>87836011 hate this bitch she banned me for no good reason (maybe she correctly identified my mental illness)
Toma's womb is mine to pound
Quoted By:
i've been ruined whenever i hear a chuuba having a hard time with exercises or cracking her back i can't resist the urge to post about how much i love hags, even if i'm lurking will things ever be normal again
>>87836155 South side schizo still going strong I see
>>87836312 It's Rikair. Ignore him and he'll go away.
Quoted By:
>>87836339 First rusty then rikair, don't badmouth our bros
no one I watch streams on a sunday, I'm bored enough to watch seasonal anime anyone worth watching on?
Anonymous loud goat woman's making crazy shit in rollercoaster tycoon 2
Quoted By: ha0nk ha0nk it's baldur's gate ii time!
Quoted By: robo kamen rider's trying out sn*ke's r*venge...
What are your thoughts on this Midas girl? I think she is funny and entertaining
Quoted By:
>>87838594 they seemed neat
Quoted By:
does this go in the ray folder or in the alice one
are there any kemonodchi here? i need your best nezumihime images
RES the book of granules 2077 !!01myR5Jqkx9
RES the book of granules 2077 !!01myR5Jqkx9 Sun 20 Oct 2024 19:13:29 No. 87839980 Report Quoted By:
Meowdy all!
Digby is working on a new model. Again.
This one has jiggle physics! So come check it out as we build it and show off what we've done so far Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>87838880 Actually I am her only secret boyfriend and I’m always in the room with the other guys to make sure nothing bad happens
RES the book of granules 2077 !!01myR5Jqkx9
RES the book of granules 2077 !!01myR5Jqkx9 Sun 20 Oct 2024 19:24:21 No. 87840474 Report >>87840279 >>87840431 >not part of the phone circle so not welcome Apologize. Digby is a well behaved self poster. Don't you want self posters?
RES the book of granules 2077 !!01myR5Jqkx9
RES the book of granules 2077 !!01myR5Jqkx9 Sun 20 Oct 2024 19:27:30 No. 87840615 Report Quoted By:
>>87840590 A male cat. Cats bring good luck.
Anonymous sleep-deprived spider demon's sketching for a bit before playing more pikmin!
RES the book of granules 2077 !!01myR5Jqkx9
RES the book of granules 2077 !!01myR5Jqkx9 Sun 20 Oct 2024 19:31:06 No. 87840781 Report Quoted By:
>>87840723 >not sketching while watching pikmen gameplay footage VODs in the Pinkman category. Anonymous
>>87839948 I only have eyes for Koragi
RES the book of granules 2077 !!01myR5Jqkx9
RES the book of granules 2077 !!01myR5Jqkx9 Sun 20 Oct 2024 19:32:06 No. 87840828 Report Quoted By:
I want to go crazy backseating these girls, but I'm banned from most of their chats.
RES the book of granules 2077 !!01myR5Jqkx9
RES the book of granules 2077 !!01myR5Jqkx9 Sun 20 Oct 2024 19:34:33 No. 87840956 Report Quoted By:
Vtubers have got to learn how to play VODs of games they like so they can talk about games they like while being free to eat hot chip, and doodle.
Anonymous dorky irish hag bunny's live with morrowind
Quoted By:
Early morning hours suck, but now there's so many good people on it's hard to know who to watch
>>87842126 Enough vagueposting. Spill the tea. Now.
>>87842302 If I go too much into detail she will know who I am and that I'm talking about her
Quoted By: garage kit paitning owl's trying to finish up DA: Inquisition's DLCs!
Quoted By: lolibaba wetware fairy's playing d&d for a bit
RES the book of granules 2077 !!01myR5Jqkx9
RES the book of granules 2077 !!01myR5Jqkx9 Sun 20 Oct 2024 20:32:23 No. 87843837 Report Quoted By:
>>87841278 I'm streaming morrowind. If veleck wants to play my gameplay on her stream, and do just chatting/dooding with her stream she has my permission.
Quoted By:
>>87842912 That's too bad. I like witnessing drama as a 3rd party.
Quoted By: sigbird's chatting about terrible b-list movies!
Quoted By:
>>87844638 Remember to record and upload it!
Quoted By: chuuni brat dog's streaming Sonic Heroes
>>87790174 Holy fuck, somebody said it. Who did she ban this time and why?
Quoted By:
>>87844638 see you tomorrow anon
>>87845624 I originally brushed that post off as just being Rebel, but does she actually have a problem with doing that?
I guess she doesn't seem like the most assertive individual so maybe it's easier for her to just ban people and not hear from them again than to try and correct their behavior
RES the book of granules 2077 !!01myR5Jqkx9
RES the book of granules 2077 !!01myR5Jqkx9 Sun 20 Oct 2024 21:28:37 No. 87846449 Report Quoted By:
>>87846060 >>>87842302 I can be right sometimes. When I'm in the mood for being treatful.
>>87846060 From what I remember there was a lolicon guy sexpesting her and she was too shy to ban him until he took it to far so she probably got more ban happy to avoid another situation like that
>>87846730 She should just go hagragi
RES the book of granules 2077 !!01myR5Jqkx9
RES the book of granules 2077 !!01myR5Jqkx9 Sun 20 Oct 2024 21:43:49 No. 87847257 Report Quoted By:
>>87847179 But she's a cool young hip zoomer approaching her 30s more so than ever.
Quoted By:
>>87847179 She doesn't have the voice for it
>>87846730 proof that she's an anti
>>87847775 >Not wanting some guy ruining the mood by making sexual comments about her makes her an anti Okay
Quoted By:
Khubie is playing Disillusion Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>87847936 suggesting that her hacker brat character has probably seen porn before, after she commented about strippers in a movie, didn't ruin the mood for anybody other than koragi, which makes her an anti. her mod specifically saying that sexualizing an underage character is a problem makes her explicitly an anti.
RES the book of granules 2077 !!01myR5Jqkx9
RES the book of granules 2077 !!01myR5Jqkx9 Sun 20 Oct 2024 22:11:55 No. 87848762 Report Quoted By:
All I can see is a imitated copy of my beautiful cat in each koragi reincarnation. It's almost like she's trying to say she wants to be my British kitten, but doesn't have the words to communicate what she has to say properly. How come koragi never just says out loud what she wants to communicate?
RES the book of granules 2077 !!01myR5Jqkx9
RES the book of granules 2077 !!01myR5Jqkx9 Sun 20 Oct 2024 22:13:55 No. 87848892 Report Quoted By:
Cat(!): I hate you RES: I know koragi: I would like to be a part of this conversation everyone: what?
RES the book of granules 2077 !!01myR5Jqkx9
RES the book of granules 2077 !!01myR5Jqkx9 Sun 20 Oct 2024 22:19:03 No. 87849154 Report Quoted By:
Veleck never checked out my stream though I went live, and streamed morrowind the entire time she was live incase she had more technical difficulties, and wanted to eat hot chip while just chatting in the morrowind category. Sort of glad she didn't tune in though. I get embarrassed easily, and I don't think I could play morrowind, and listen to veleck watching me at the same time. I was willing to try though. Being a captain save a kot is so lame, but I can't help it. It's in my nature.
>>87847775 Anti of what? Viewers? She is the friendliest chuuba to interact with as a viewer anyone who even gets banned from her had to do some really fucked up shit
RES the book of granules 2077 !!01myR5Jqkx9
RES the book of granules 2077 !!01myR5Jqkx9 Sun 20 Oct 2024 22:27:12 No. 87849581 Report Quoted By:
>jannies never visit the thread >jannies see one or two vtuber related words in rebel's retarded schizo rants and say its on topic pick one
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>>87850383 i don't know why they keep doing it, there's no meaningful discussion to be had with baitposters.
Quoted By: aussie tomboy pilot's playing more silent hill 2 tonight!
>>87850893 I mean, she said a long time ago that she likes lolis and thinks they're cute. But if she doesn't feel comfortable being sexualized, there's nothing wrong with that
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>>87851829 That ain't gonna do shit
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>>87838594 wasn't she a /wasp/ poster?
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>>87851829 why would that stop him, he'll just wait 15 minutes the first time and then continue spamming
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>>87851779 you're totally right. but there's also nothing wrong with warning other viewers that she is an anti and that she fails at communicating boundaries
RES the book of granules 2077 !!01myR5Jqkx9
RES the book of granules 2077 !!01myR5Jqkx9 Sun 20 Oct 2024 23:30:36 No. 87852892 Report Quoted By:
Hear me out: Tanya has not streamed fallout new Vegas, HOWEVER...if Tanya streamed Fallout New Vegas Tanya would focus on one quest. The Helios one quest. Tanya would likely choose the total blackout option, and be rewarded with the big book of science. Am I right, or am I right?
RES the book of granules 2077 !!01myR5Jqkx9
RES the book of granules 2077 !!01myR5Jqkx9 Sun 20 Oct 2024 23:32:13 No. 87852979 Report Quoted By:
I'm surprised mari mari did the gourmand quest in Fallout New Vegas when she played. She doesn't strike me as the type to chase after fat boys.
RES the book of granules 2077 !!01myR5Jqkx9
RES the book of granules 2077 !!01myR5Jqkx9 Sun 20 Oct 2024 23:34:17 No. 87853084 Report Quoted By:
Here's what I would have guessed a mari mari fallout new Vegas stream would go: -switch game to easy mode -go straight to fishermen's pride -boogie with lake lurks and chow down on lake lurks meat.
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>page 7 in 4 minutes grim
Quoted By: programming socks cat is checking out various demos
Quoted By: artsy wood elf's going to snowhead in majora's mask!
Quoted By: pink SMT enthusiast ghost is fightan more 2hus in Artificial Dream in Arcadia
>Koragi stream canceled Tonight's a bad night
Quoted By: corpse is saving more continents in dragon quest 7!
>>87855965 Time of the month?
>>87856152 The reason she gave was "to study for park ranger stuff", so take that as you will
>>87856315 Ah. I am just a casual Koragi watcher so I don't have her period cycle figured out
>>87856379 are good viewers supposed to do that...
>>87856806 If you care enough and want to provide tlc during bloodmoon
>>87856315 going by the conversation in discord right now, sounds like she's advancing in her career and also she's super menhera right now
Why can't Bodega treat me like 9S?
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>>87857461 Gotta up your twink game first
RES the book of granules 2077 !!01myR5Jqkx9
RES the book of granules 2077 !!01myR5Jqkx9 Mon 21 Oct 2024 01:07:25 No. 87857902 Report Quoted By:
I watched the entire veleck morrowind stream. She had technical difficulties for a greater portion of the stream. I know veleck is a huge lore nerd, so I really think she'd be better off watching morrowind gameplay VODs, and talking lore with eye patch while gameplay footage plays to help encourage discussion that's on topic. Veleck, and Purdy could have been podcasters who chat lore for hours on end, but instead they chose to get combative, and moody.
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>>87857461 Because you're a freak Reda
RES the book of granules 2077 !!01myR5Jqkx9
RES the book of granules 2077 !!01myR5Jqkx9 Mon 21 Oct 2024 01:10:48 No. 87858119 Report Quoted By:
Seems like some comments really struck a nerve with koragi, and woke up something in her to want to do better and improve herself... Must have been uwo in /asp/ or something. It's a good night tonight.
I have never been in this thread and never will again but I was browsing catalog and saw the OP looked like fucking nanalan and it made me laugh carry on
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>>87858966 glad you enjoyed it
i'm glad there's some sort of happiness on this board...
Quoted By: tree spirit playing more demos from steam next fest!
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>>87858966 Best post in the thread, right here
Quoted By: peruvian drow merchant hag's trying not to play silent hill 1 like a resident evil game
RES the book of granules 2077 !!01myR5Jqkx9
RES the book of granules 2077 !!01myR5Jqkx9 Mon 21 Oct 2024 01:59:04 No. 87861177 Report Quoted By:
Hear me out: veleck x koopa stream where they brainstorm a short story while watching RES gameplay footage then after stream they pass the short story to eye patch who specifically reads it on stream to RES specifically then after that calavera reduces the short story into a series of 12 panel comic strips which are passed to koragi to use her koragiverse to perform live anime theatre reinacting the comic booklet.
Quoted By: ikemen /tg/ elf's painting up 40k minis tonight!
Quoted By: aussie raccoon homunculus is doing a secret(?) zatsudan
RES the book of granules 2077 !!01myR5Jqkx9
RES the book of granules 2077 !!01myR5Jqkx9 Mon 21 Oct 2024 03:06:16 No. 87865095 Report Just chatting streams are nice to listen to.
Anonymous cute punk frog's having fun in VR tonight!
RES the book of granules 2077 !!01myR5Jqkx9
RES the book of granules 2077 !!01myR5Jqkx9 Mon 21 Oct 2024 03:23:55 No. 87866138 Report Quoted By:
>>87865253 That chicken centaur sure is something.
RES the book of granules 2077 !!01myR5Jqkx9
RES the book of granules 2077 !!01myR5Jqkx9 Mon 21 Oct 2024 03:34:45 No. 87866707 Report Quoted By:
Do you think Hanya likes bananas?
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>>87858966 i miss nanalan...
>>87867909 >>87867930 why am i not surprised
>>87867930 he really should take these words to heart and hang himself.
Quoted By: genki tomboy tiger's doing her weekly sunday ASMR stream
RES the book of granules 2077 !!01myR5Jqkx9
RES the book of granules 2077 !!01myR5Jqkx9 Mon 21 Oct 2024 04:17:41 No. 87869302 Report Quoted By:
>>87868372 Oxygen hasn't actually been produced for a long time. All that tree is doing is stripping CO2 of it's carbon while using a massive network of methane producing bacteria to feed the process.
Really you shouldn't place so much faith in a fictional character with a target audience of burn outs.
RES the book of granules 2077 !!01myR5Jqkx9
RES the book of granules 2077 !!01myR5Jqkx9 Mon 21 Oct 2024 04:31:03 No. 87870067 Report Quoted By:
In a perfect world a tree would scrub more air than it makes unclean just by existing, but despite what the school teaches us life is more complex than a meme chart. Anyways discuss vtubers not doomer suicide encouragement. I'm watching Hanya. She just started a fishing game.
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>page 9 in 7 minutes grim
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>>87871922 Why does she come off as someone who'd have a violent "it was supposed to be me" outburst?
nice "anti-spam" y'all got here
>>87873319 Very discord coded post. Notice:
>asian faux US southern y'all >all lower case (kitten doesn't want to upset groomer with caps) >bland euro-russian "nice" learned from Hollywood movies >one less punctuation than normal >no on-topic subject matter >prompted to say "anti" when faced with a image of krungle dog Yes. Classic discord. Too bad discord bans Fallout New Vegas streamers.
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>>87873319 yeah it's terrible
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>>87857461 it would be weird
When is the next Nina stream?
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>>87875946 don't worry about it
>>87876173 she doesn't do sunday schedule uploads, i think...
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>>87828446 You're alright Rusty i like you
Quoted By: gamer baeg's playing kingdom death monster with his viewers!
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>>87828634 I will! As a big fan it makes me very happy to see a long thread of his posts
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>>87876668 Thanks Nina, youre really cool!
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>>87878096 Go back to /asp/
RES the book of granules 2077 !!01myR5Jqkx9
RES the book of granules 2077 !!01myR5Jqkx9 Mon 21 Oct 2024 09:37:39 No. 87880336 Report Quoted By:
>Still banned by mako