>>88078007On the surface it looks like Enna is uninvolved. But once you look a little deeper she's a huge problem.
>ZaionTemember that she had a big conflict with Kyo and insulted him so bad he cried and deleted the vod. When she was suspended he stopped all communication like he was on a mental health break and then started bitching about her on other accounts. Kyo has pull with management through Enna, what really happened is that she intervened to get her fired on his behalf. Her firing never made sense when you consider what guys like Luca get away with.
>NinaEnna excluded Nina from her group and treated her like an outsider. That wave had 3 nepohires and 1 NIna, and she was totally excluded from the discord despite trying to organize everyone
https://streamable.com/32zdvcThey also took unprecedented steps to exclude her by creating the ridiculous "Zuttomo" group, which is really just "Ethyria minus Nina". Right after Nina graduated they were set to debut Zuttomo outfits and a Zuttomo song which would leave Nina out in the cold. They made her decision to leave very easy.
>PomuThe problem is that Pomu totally relied on a male audience, but everything Enna did was driving them away. Enna was obsessed with "owning the incels" and onscreen flirting with the dudes. All of her actions were actively destroying Pomu's audience, especially her cuck streams with Kyo. Enna and Pomu had some tense interactions on stream, and she really disrespected Pomu a couple times, and completely refused to call her senpai. Management also showed tremendous bias towards Ethyria and basically threw Lazulight under the bus to promote Ethyria in all things, with Enna front and center.
>SelenUnfortunately Selen found herself excluded from the group. Enna, Millie, and Elira were constantly meeting up, but Selen was never invited and treated like an outsider. They also used their powers over management to get sponsorships and merch, often at the expense of Selen. For example, Hyte specifically requested Selen, and yet was given Enna instead. Selen's dream was a Sanrio sponsorship, and yet Selen got it instead. Don't forget Enna also showed no humility during Selen's firing and was doing everything to brush it under the rug.
She even managed to drive Kyo away, who was her partner in crime.