There was a pretty interesting conversation at towards the end of the stream so I figured I should probably do a summary. Timestamp: was talking about her doing a CR Pachinko collaboration as a joke and she said, just like she has always maintained with the Dakimakura cover, her doing this would be a clear sign that she is about to quit. She doesn't want to do any Pachinko stuff, dakimura covers or oppai mouse pads or anything like that while she is active. She kind of explained again that she is absolute fine and has nothing against it if people want to fall in love her and become gachikoi and they are free to do so, but she herself thinks of her connection to us differently. She doesn't want to think of it as romantic love or something like that and doesn't really want to release these kind of items associate with that. She values her relationship to us as it is, we have been her Friends for many years now and recently we have also started becoming her subjects/citizens of the Fubukingdom in addition to that. But of course, that doesn't mean we aren't Friends anymore, both are true at the same time. She likes that kind of environment she has built together with us over the years and doesn't want to break it, so she doesn't really feel it'd be right to play too much into Gachikoi appeal stuff and encourage people or lead them on about it. She is fine doing it once in a while like during her monthly ASMR streams but she keeps it to a reasonable degree and doesn't want to overstep that. Releasing these kind of goods wouldn't really fit with the direction she wants to go in and also wouldn't really fit her character, but she encourages us to buy unofficial derivative work stuff at Comiket or the like if we want a dakimakura, there is just not going to be an official one (other than the glasses ones she didn't have any say in back in the day).
For similar reason, she doesn't really like to play into sexy stuff either like stuff where she is only wearing a towel or a swimsuit. She really does get embarrassed about stuff like that, she is not only pretending. She knows we find it cute when she gets embarrassed, but there's also limits to how much of it she can bear and she doesn't want to do stuff that would burden her mentally. She did release a tapestry of her in just a towel at the onsen for her anniversary before (it's hanging on my wall right next to my monitor!), but you only really see a little bit of her exposed back in that one and that's just about how far she is willing to go. She also stressed that it's very different when it's just anniversary stuff that stays on her channel or at least within the greater Holosphere. If she were to do a collaboration with another company (goods or sponsorships), she wouldn't want to be wearing just a swimsuit or a towel since that would also be seen by people that are not already fans of Hololive and expose her to the greater public in that kind of attire. She would be really embarrassed about that, she does not want to appear too sexy in public like that and she also says it wouldn't fit her character or image very much, so this is where she would draw a personal line and refuse. A while ago, 0kisei did a collaboration with an onsen company where all of them were supposed to just be wearing a towel, but Suisei requested to be put in a bathrobe instead, and Fubuki thinks she would have probably done a similar thing if she were in that position. Maybe just a bathrobe, or something cute like a bathrobe with a pool float and swimming goggles and a Nejimakitsune on her head, or maybe as a gambler with a bathrobe and sunglasses and a glass of win playing Mahjong. Just wearing a towel in public would be rough for her, she wouldn't be able to bear the embarrassment.