>>8914614Kiara really takes terrible decision and has the most trouble assessing herself and the situation
Despite ame presenting aparent similar problems shes just lazy/too confident on her own ability to create and resolve stuff on the run, and honestly she does great, better than how Kiara or Mori would manage things up
Ina is smart but Gura is just as smart if not smarter, her ability to manage everything is actually the best in HoloEN, just shows the unironical brain potential she has, similar to how Ina shows achievements
And mori is really not good at performing anything, shes always ok, of course above 99% of the chubbas on the planet but in holo EN gen 1 shes mid tier, i would honestly consider Ames potential to be higher than mori
INB4 lazy beaner spic ame, shes smart but yeah...