>>89263572I can only see this epidemic getting far worse.
even 10 years out, I don't think it'll get any better. from what I've seen, if gen alpha so far is any indicator, is that they'll be like gen Z but even less competent at everything as they'll have fallen right into that competency gap, leading to less successful outcomes because they can't get a decent job and employers may not have the patience to deal with someone who is performing at a level nowhere at all near what was assumed they can do. so they will be much more poor and incompetent and aloof and autismal - not good traits for getting women. due to just how genders work, successful guys are fine taking in incompetent aloof girls and those girls will be fine, but this doesn't work as often in reverse where a successful competent girl is going to take in a 'lesser' guy who wouldn't be seen as fit to lead a family unit.. although there are plenty of examples of this happening anyway it isn't as normal as the other way around where the guy takes charge. So the gen alpha guys are still going to get fucked over more than the girls in this leading to more loneliness.