>>8958967FPBP. Roasties hated him because he told them the truth.
Complaining about having your previous account found when you're a literal celebrity raking in tens of thousands every month from lonely people is absolute bitch ass behaviour.
More importantly, whining about it won't stop people from finding those accounts when they get curious, it will just make your simps feel bad because they don't understand what the fuck is going on in the first place unless they actually come here, thereby finding more negativity, which isn't what you want as a content creator.
You know what actually works ?
- Not posting private info on anything that can be linked back to your current celebrity status, and even if you do you don't need to tell everyone all the details of your personal life. Make your social accounts private and invite family and close friends only.
- If that fails, just delete your previous accounts before becoming a fucking celebrity, especially in hololive.
- And if even that fails, you can simply avoid talking about it (therefore not bringing attention to it ... streisand effect and all that).
It's not complicated but I've noticed many zoomers are absolutely retarded when it comes to opsec for some reason.