You know how porn has a long-standing tendency to recruit damaged, insecure women, and make it difficult to get out?
I want a vtuber company to do that to girls in Japan, but not make them do porn, I want them to do vtubing. I want them to pretend to be a porn studio though, in everything but the explicit wording, as they use their usual tactics. I want the girls to feel the dread of what they anticipate a dramatic change in the way they themselves and society view them, for the sake of a lifeline.
I want them to bring them into the studio, where they will be told to undress in a shoddy room with a couch, before they cart in the rack of 3D latex mocap suits, and are told to put them on. When it's done, they are separated and each is sent into a separate room, alone. The last thing they are told is that customers will be watching and that they want to get to know you a little.
The screens turn on, and then they see a rough approximation of their appearances appear on a large screen as vtuber models, and realize they're moving in accordance with the mocap suits. The girls are dressed like idols, up on a bright, shining stage, with thousands of warm, happy smiles looking up at "them"; representations of the users in the chat room of their stream. At once, they all congratulate the girl on her debut, as the stage lights flash with an introduction of a new virtual idol; her.
She would be prompted to take a seat in front of the PC setup there, and the view would switch to her Live2D, where the audience there tells her they all pitched in to make this debut possible. She sees Superchats come in, all with warm, heart-filled messages promising to stay with her here.
And then Minecraft boots up on the PC and she is told that the door behind her won't until she has plays it for 5 continuous hours