>>89620872Yeah. Hard to know who is shitposting about the "gen" thing and who isn't, but considering there hasn't really BEEN a VShojoJP other than Kson for quite a while now, restocking the cupboard seems like a good idea. I mean when VShojo started it was 5 people right away and Froot briefly later and Hime a couple of months after that. VShojoNEXT debuted with Kson and Nazuna and Loulot had said things like "wanting to add or be at 5 members before the end of the year" or some rubbish, and it seems like they really took a long time to get the JP branch up and running for reasons none of us can really know at this point. Anyway, kind of makes sense at this point. If the regular VShojo branch lost 50% of its members then a deluge to restore the ranks would be warranted.