>>89624184So wait, you're saying that an unmotivated, burnt out person who no longer can pretend to love her job instantly burns out again after getting a "new" job that, while symbolically hugely different, is in reality basically the exact same thing?
Wowww mind blown, who could have foreseen this besides the /lig/ and vshojo leeches who hate Hololive but love slopping Hololive leftovers for some reason. People trying to weaponize Dooby against Holo only got to see why few tears were shed when she left it, she became hands down one of the lamest worst if not the worst EN in the company. If erb didn't exist I'd say even Mori eventually redeemed herself, while Ame just fell further down into irrelevancy. What you ligger do not understand is she left Holo for no fucking perceptible reason at fucking all other than boredom and laziness to keep up. Doki and mint had massive sympathy from their fans from being part of a fucking cartoon villain tier evil company and in doki's case she was fired with prejudice.