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help please

No.8990724 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
hello to all those present who read this text. My name is Fernando, I am from Mexico and I have come to ask you for help from the Spanish-speaking community to be able to stop the one considered in the last hours "the worst youtuber in history"

Just to give you an idea, a few months ago he made fun of both the boy who owns the channel, as well as all the Spanish speakers who support this child (@ Tomiii11) with terminal cancer to reach the million subs. And exactly 12 hours ago, unfortunately they announced the death of the boy (R.I.P.)
And not an hour passed, before the same guy uploaded some videos mocking the recently deceased, and profiting from his death by uploading several monetized videos where he also mocks everyone including the boy. This inept (not to call it another way) is called Shelos1Life, and today he is practically repudiated by the entire Spanish-speaking internet for the things he did and it seems that he will continue to do.
I have come to ask that you also take charge of reporting both his channel and his other Twitter and Facebook accounts for the things he has done, of which he himself has said that he does not show a drop of regret.

Thanks to all those who took the time to read this message, and I look forward to your support. Have a good day