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2MiB, 376x424, non-binary pals [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Ffb8pra.mp3].webm
Quoted By:
>weeks of concern trolling, raids, and catalog bait about the tweets of Holos
>weeks of taking every single little thing as doomposting
>weeks of equating this to them graduating
>Homo actually doomposts on twitter
>Homo actually "taking a break"
>Homo actually going to graduate
why does it happen everytime?
it's like God is a Holofag
>weeks of taking every single little thing as doomposting
>weeks of equating this to them graduating
>Homo actually doomposts on twitter
>Homo actually "taking a break"
>Homo actually going to graduate
why does it happen everytime?
it's like God is a Holofag