>>90025455Yeah, she's on hiatus pending graduation, just as Kunai was; and Petra is being just as obvious about it.
The sole difference is that Petra isn't "in the graduation queue" as such. She's staying in Niji solely for visa purposes, and may extend (or may have already extended) her contract for that sole purpose; but will almost certainly leave the company the minute she no longer needs to actually be in the company to legally attend college.
>>90041836Yup. She had to hastily refilm or outright delete almost every scene of her 3D debut because of everything that had happened in the 5 weeks preceding the broadcast..
But the company making a point to NOT refilm or delete the scene where she worships Riku like a god, them putting her 3D debut up against Holofes, and them making her say on stream that keeping the Riku worship scene unchanged was totally her idea and definitely wasn't the idea of anyone above her on the Anycolor food chain - all of that was definitely retaliation against her for some slight. Maybe it was punishment for her PL doomposting while Selen was suspended, maybe it was punishment for telling them of her plans to graduate from the company the moment she graduates from college, maybe it was punishment for having made those plans because of how badly they shat the bed with Selen's termination, or maybe it was punishment for something else that /we/ don't know about yet.
But it absolutely was punishment. There is absolutely no other reason for them to have done her dirty like that.