reddit is an artifical consensus generator, very few of those 353k people are real, very few of those 15.7k upvotes are real, very few of those 4.6k online are real; it's a website, it's not real, it's entirely constructed, reddit is co-opted and used by a weird network of psuedo-intelligence agencies to lie and to manufacture consensus, how people don't realise that is beyond me; and while i'm here, yes, all other social media is as well, it's free for a reason, the reason isn't that it's run by kind generous nice people who want what's best for you, quite the opposite, they want to influence the way YOU think and perceive the world, they want YOU to think what they want you to think, they want YOU to think that you reached the opinions they want you to have by your own cognitive processes; and they are very, very good at doing this.
it has been turned way way way up during this coronavirus... THING. now, they're not just happy with the few idiots-who-think-they're-not-idiotsthat they managed to hook with their cognition traps, they want TOTAL INFORMATION CONTROL, and they are using the guise of "safety" and "caring" about a virus to achieve it. look at the language used, look at the rhetoric used; if it was truly about a virus it would be patently obvious but it's not about a virus, it's about nasty naughty people who are saying nasty naughty people things and abusing their right to say what they want and express their opinion! they must be punished! they must be confronted! they must be PURGED! they are the REAL virus! get rid of them! shut them up! stop them from speaking the truth! there is only one truth and it's what we say it is! and we say there's a deadly virus and so because of this deadly virus anyone who says there's no deadly virus must be punished for being a threat!