>>9050232>things that have been there all along>implying cover going back to a country that demands they dox all their employees to the gov't so the gov't can personally curate everything they do or sayyou really are retarded, aren't you.
>>9051885>calling someone out on not keeping promises and on doing shitty shit is now demonizing them>only a zhang or a shill would disapprove of a chuuba going twitch thot!blind devotion is a scary thing.
>>9051982hololive trying to pander to china again wouldn't work because they'd have wumao up their ass the entire time. the entire problem is CN, not how anyone else feels about it.
>>9054470because they don't want to find another board to post her on, and hate the idea of her moving on in life from being coco. they got so invested in the matter of coco vs zhang that they don't know what to do with themselves in the wake of her foolishly running off with an excuse she isn't even trying to carry through on. they'd rather shitpost here and call everyone who doesn't worship kson a zhang, because they're unable to see anything but US AND THEM.
>>9056963lol no. nobody gets a permanent pass. your psyop is painfully blatant, zhang.
>>9060520yeah they decided that games are "spiritual opium" so nobody under 18 can play more than three hours total per week.
just another pointless bit of flailing that widens the cracks in their regime, pushing towards it's collapse.