>>9055121You're forgetting the most important factor. A person needs to be driven and inspired to learn a language. 80% of language learning is hype. The rest is daily repetition. The latter comes far easier than the former.
This issue with Japanese is that it's such a filter that you need to be super passionate about not wanting to read subtitles, or be a woman. Women have the inherent sexual value needed to easily social climb, and can often leverage their looks/bodies to earn money while learning. They can also get a free place to stay anywhere in the world just by spreading their legs.
As a man, you can't do this as easily because women in any society that' snot ultranationalist will likely already have their chad fuck buddies. You need something more, and attaining that something more will compete with learning Japanese. This means that you (if you're starting from scratch without any advantages) have to do your self improvement reps, do your Japanese reps, and achieve economic success in order to go to Japan and put your jouzu nihongo fully into practice. That's effectively your prize after busting ass and doing double duty, possibly at the expense of doing other things like becoming even more successful or enjoying your hobbies.
So while women can start there and work they way up further, male fans who wish to become jouzu have to take into alconsideration a cost benefit analysis where Japanese is worth a metric fuckton less compared to any other proficiency. In other words, there's two paths a man can go down to maximize gains. You can become a master at your craft, get transferred to nippon, and be assigned a qt translator fuckgirl who'll help you learn Japanese as an ojisan. Or you can prioritize your nihongo reps and become a master at those, all so you can be a teacher, translator or other underpaid profession (relative to the time you spent learning nihongo) where the large female workforce has resulted in a devaluing of your skills (as women don't need resources to the same degree as men).
tldr Kiara only got jouzu because modern society makes getting jouzu easier for women than men. And the men who do get jouzu form scratch tend to do it only in addition to their other more lucrative endeavors which are the main focus of their life (ie being a successful youtuber or businessman). Only a woman could get away with focusing on jouzu above all else and still wind up not fucking her life up when bills need to be paid. Never forget this when you're weighing whether or not to continue your reps.