>>9062002>It's a preventative measure, you moron. Vaccines aren't fucking cures with 100% efficiency. The only preventative measure is not getting spit and coughed on by diseased fucks, not shoving your hands and other body parts into your mouth and eyes before cleaning them, and other measures that degenerates have a hard time following. Works for 99% of viral infections out there, including STDs, COVID, AIDS, swine flu, you name it. It's that easy and simple. Vaccines are a joke.
Half the people I work with have been getting sick during the last 3 weeks with classic COVID symptoms, however since they're all vaccinated, they're treated as having some generic virus infection, and are not even considered for potential COVID testing, since that would actually expose the pharma shills.
Last 2 people I personally knew that got hospitalized because of COVID complications were fully vaxxed as well.
Even actual placebo pills have higher success rates than this COVID "vaccine".