>>90673274>-----Cluster A: "Odd/Eccentric">Paranoid Personality DisorderDistrustful and suspicious of others, interpreting their motives as malicious.
>Schizoid Personality DisorderDetached from social relationships; indifferent to praise or criticism; limited emotional range.
>Schizotypal Personality DisorderDiscomfort in close relationships, eccentric behavior, and cognitive/perceptual distortions (e.g., odd beliefs or magical thinking).
>-----Cluster B: "Dramatic/Erratic">Antisocial Personality DisorderDisregard for others' rights, impulsivity, and lack of remorse for harmful actions.
>Borderline Personality DisorderIntense, unstable relationships, self-image issues, impulsive behaviors, and emotional instability.
>Histrionic Personality DisorderExcessive emotionality and attention-seeking, often with theatrical or exaggerated behaviors.
>Narcissistic Personality DisorderGrandiosity, need for admiration, and lack of empathy for others.