>>91066931idk ask shion what she wanted management to do for her. Build a custom 3D world for her to zatsu? Get copyright perms for nintendo music to play as bgm? Ride around on a unicycle while juggling wine glasses? We don't know.
Maybe they forgot to order her a birthday cake and now she's so sad that she almost killed herself.
We don't even know and you're asking for the rope.
You're pretty pathetic for not knowing the details yet jumping to conclusions like the singular braincell you are.
Here I'll paraphrase it for you:
>"I'm >>91066931 I know barely anything because Shion hasn't talked about what happened yet but... MAnAgeMenT bAd!!! COvEr blACk CoMPaNy!!! HuMaNs CaN'T MaKe HUmAn ErRor!!! Yea? so what haven't fucked up the birthday event? THEY RUINED HER ZATSU! THEY DESERVE THE ROPE!"
You're a faking monkey