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Teach a man to cook and he... can't fish, but teach a man to fish and he feeds himself and cooks.
(You've ever heard that saying before? It's the classic saying:)
when you- why-
Teach man to cook and cook good not good he die starve, teach man fish not starve, cook and fish starve not.
(...If you've heard that before.)
Yes, cook man teach fish, fish fish cook and... h-hunger not.
Hunger not when teach man cook, but hunger is starvi- starve when when fish not fish, not catch fish.
Hook hook man fish catch, hook ba fis- fish man not, teach man fish feed lifetime.
Teach man cook backward, fish egg bacon... fry pan... egg... flip. Fry pan egg flip not.
When egg flip fry pan bacon... bacon charred.
Bacon flip. Egg flip. NOOOOOOOOO.
Fry pan egg, egg fry pan, egg fry pan not fish man fry.
Fry pan fish egg, egg bacon.
Man feed fish egg lifetime, but fish... man... cook starved. Bacon. Egg.
Fish Laugh Love? F-Fish Laugh Love!
Teach man cook fish ha-AAAHHHHH.
Fish Laugh Love everyone. Prayer emoji.
[Brain rewired]
Cook bacon. Oopsies.
Bacon cook, egg next!
Bacon, stay. Egg, egg flip NOOO!
Egg, egg bacon, bacon egg, bacon egg cheese, BLT, bacon lettuce... egg... tomato!
Bacon flip, egg next! Bacon tomato flip!
Bacon? Bacon next, bacon flip? Bacon-ba-ba-bacon bacon flip?
Bacon flip, bacon flip, egg cook?!
Bacon in a blanket, no more.
Ok bacon flip bacon flip, bacon flip, hah-ha-ha-fffffffufuuu bacon flip, bacon flip. BACON FLIP BACON FLIP BACON FLIP BACON FLIP BACON FLIP BACON FLIP. BACON FLIP!
Cook cook, bacon cook bacon cook, cook bacon YEEESSS! YEEEEEESSS!