>>92613384I don't have it on hand, but there's a giant compilation of several chuubas from Niji, Indie, and holostars who slipped up and showed a tab with /vt/ on it.
Most of NijiEN up to Xsoleil is clearly here, as they participated in Millie's retarded "Secret GC" stream where they pretended to be 4chan and slandered everyone else, including exposing several insecurities that /vt/ didn't know about, like how Pomu's 3D model was dogshit and she was upset about it.
Notable members include Finana, who for a few days in february was doomposting /here/ bad about how nobody would ever forgive or even give Niji a chance because of the selen thing, crying that it was the fans/4chan's fault that Selen and Zaion got pushed away from their "friends."
Reimu had a hilarious thing where after Claude had his "WE COULD ALWAYS JUST FUCKING ASK" spiel go viral, she bought a second play button from her alt (which already had one and thus could buy another) and took a picture with the names conveniently censored by the shelf. Everyone could see she was clearly implying that she had one for her PL and one for Reimu. Oh also and she's one of the people in the compilation. She not only had /vt/, but also warosu, a 4chan archive site in her "most visited" on the new tab page of chrome.
Enna once spent a whole night shittalking and arguing with people. It was confirmed her because the next day she was so tired from lack of sleep that she skipped the collab she was a part of.
Millie is 110% /here/. There was a stint around her 3D as well as when she made an AI written letter of thanks to her fans. The membership post asking people to post superchats during a portion of her 3D debut for a skit got taken as her being desperate and grimy, so she took to twitter to yell at 4chan for posting it. And the fan letter was being torn apart /here/ (and only /here/. Nobody on twitter, reddit, etc. gave a shit or even knew about it.) She got annoyed after what might've been her trying to deflect off it for a few hours and just yelled on twitter admitting that she used AI.
Raz confirmed in her document that Luca was constantly /here/ and constantly obsessing over this place, even making a tweet with the letters "RENT L FREE" hidden in it as capitals. This also confirmed Selen was here as Luca blamed her for introducing the site to him.
Rosemi did a shill tweet /here/ on her PL that was so sweet that people flat out told her not to come back to avoid the schizos.
For Holo, we mostly have past cases that weren't /vt/ in particular. Mori was some kind of 4chan person. I can't remember exactly which board she was a part of, though.
Fuwamoco (as well as Pomu from Niji) were confirmed to be regulars at /cgl/ (cosplayers & lolita fashion). Pomu in particular was an idiot who posted nudes there once, but she was flat out underage. We know about these because some desperate, angry /cgl/ crabs got angry at Pomu for getting big so they dug them up and threw them everywhere they could. It's not talked about much because it's literally CP. Most of Fuwamoco's most vicious antis come from /cgl/ too.
On a sort of lighter note, there was a point during Selen's suspension where she started changing her steam name to random jumbles of letters, but they were actually youtube links. She used those letters to send dragoons funny videos she liked (usually involving dragons or some kind of animation meme). Every time the dragoons posted about it in /doki/, she'd change it a few hours later. She was completely silenced on all other forms of social media, so this was likely her way of still making the dragoons laugh and interacting with them.
...We also can roughly estimate when the second suicide attempt happened, because that's when she stopped changing them for a few days.
Somewhat scarily, someone posted in /doki/ a fake name change that they photoshopped that just said "help." My crackpot rrat is that one was also her being desperate, but it could've easily been a shitposter fucking with the emotionally vulnerable dragoons.