>>93152080forgot to check warosu. it seems to be from twitter judging from the oldest post with this image containing a twitter-like filename
https://warosu.org/vt/thread/11719040#p11821682>FCSWSjLVQAATaRf.jpgso the format should be this in url:
https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FCSWSjLVQAATaRf?format=jpg&name=largei cant find anything so maybe its a deleted post which is highly plausible as this is a pretty old doodle. you can still scour twitter archives in oct 22 2021 which is when the first instance on this image popped up on warosu.
and since pomu's art tag is #PomuPaint on twitter, i can try to search by date thanks to the advanced search function on twitter. i searched from 10th of october until 25th of october and unfortunately didn't find anything which highly suggests the artist deleted the account, the post or privated the account. i couldn't find anything resembling this image on gelbooru o7
it was deleted, untagged or the account is private now