>>93657165Anon, genuine question, are you from an asian culture of some sort? Because I know it's culturally an asian thing to not understand the hyperbolic language of westerners.
People in western cultures say nice things to each other and promise things that they never intend on delivering constantly just because it's polite and makes someone feel good. For example you hear people saying, "Oh you should come over to my house some time." This isn't an invitation to actually go to someone's house. It's a polite phrase of speech to let someone know you would consider them welcome in their home, but not an actual invitation to show up. As someone who actually watches the Apex pro scene, fuck no was Doki ever good enough to be pro. Just watch her when her actual tournament games start to go downhill, she gets easily frustrated and shuts out her teammates. Communicating under pressure is one the most fundamental parts of a quick pace team based FPS. She mechanically is a decent player and can hold her own, but in terms of literally everything else like team play, macro movement, communication and situational awareness, she is far, far below that of a pro player.
She is being complimented for a few reasons:
- It's the nice thing to say
- She's a girl
- She has a large audience that most people would like to be on the good side of