>>93723799okay? you can’t answer my question though. post anyone from brave US who has made half as much as uruka in the last month. unless you want to move the goalpost kek.
anything to deflect from the fact in front of your face that brave buys all of their talents 50k subs off the bat, which is why they’re all getting demonetized for fraud because all of their 50k+ subscribers they spent thousands on barely get 200 viewers fucking kek
and you wanna talk about phasekeks. im not even a phase watcher but holy fuck being a small corpo coper is the lowest of the low KEK all it takes is a few thousands of dollars from a japanese businessmans pocket for you to think a company is worth a fuck. KEK
your v4 oshi will never get past 50k (subtract 50k from her sub count to get her real sub count) and if she did, congrats, should would still be a sub 100CCV ethot in any other company. fucking kek
enjoy your sub 2k viewer 3d lives. i will kek until the cows come home when brave US shuts down because they make 0 money. literally throwing all of brave JP money at brave US just praying anybody will give them a return on their investment. 4 gens in and they are almost certainly AT LEAST 6 digits in the negative, still. kek. imagine thinking brave US contends with even the likes of niji…i would bet brave US doesn’t even break 10k a month after their split. they would be lucky to make $5k a month, doubt they even make that though.
they’ll keep using brave JP money to funnel brave US into not looking like a complete and utter failure to appease japanese businessmen though KEK.
where’s your answer though? uruka is irrelevant according to you, and has botted subs. surely it should be easy enough to show us all a single brave US talent who makes HALF as much as someone who supposedly got all of her subs from bots? go on, share with the class! or will you bring up another irrelevant talking point to attempt to change the subject from brave pumpIng all of their 2 views to 50k? kek