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KFPCucks will defend this

No.9374520 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Be Kiara
>Having an upper-middle-class family
>Having a nice and quiet life in Germany
>Grow up
>Become obsessed with idols
>Learn Japanese
>Decide to leave your nice and quiet life in Germany to go to Japan and become an Idol
>You don't make it
>You suffer discrimination and don't earn money
//Faced with such a situation what do you do?
[A] Do you go back to your home country with your upper middle class family and a quiet life?
Do you prostitute yourself to earn money?//
>You choose option B
>That option generates several mental problems and traumas over time.
>In the end you get to be an Idol vtuber but you are overshadowed by your peers and also discriminated against.

Stupid bitch, thank god I'm not Kiarafag