>>93809284You know who was the unprofessional one here, the one that cause this situation in the first place? Cover. They admitted they expanded too much too fast and can't keep up. This problem could be very easily solved: delete holostars. Shouldn't even have existed in the first place, especially the EN stars. They are not only a waste of limited resources but, worse of all, have attracted the most cancerous group of subhumans in the face of the internet, and it should be no surprise when some girls want nothing to do with all of this considering it has proven time and time again that it is counter productive to do so and Cover, instead of respecting this, kept trying to force it. The best, most professional response to that is silence. Homobeggars and sisters are responsable for nearly all of the tension and shitflinging between fans, be it on twitter, reddit or whatever other social. Even /here/, looking at the absolute state of this thread, you can tell most of it is done by homobeggars camping this thread. Holostars and all their fans should be eradicated.